The ENDOLINE® 2V-JECT 2-ways injection needle has been designed specifically and exclusively for haemostasis of gastrointestinal haemorrhages, sclerosis of oesophageal varices and inflating and marking polyps.The needle is only suitable for use with flexible endoscopes.The 2nd way can be used to clean cleaning and/or rinse the procedure area.
The ENDOLINE® 1V-JECT 1-way injection needle has been designed specifically and exclusively for haemostasis of gastrointestinal haemorrhages, sclerosis of oesophageal varices and inflating and marking polyps.The needle is only suitable for use with flexible endoscopes.
Réservé aux professionnels de santé
Le site permet aux professionnels de santé spécialisés dans les domaines de la Gastro-entérologie, Gynécologie, Procréation Médicalement Assistée de bénéficier d'informations utiles à leur pratique quotidienne.
Reserved for health professionals
The website allows health professionals specialized in the sectors of Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Medically Assisted Reproduction to benefit from information useful to their daily practice.