PM-CARE® CHERON Cheron forceps are used to insert or remove an intrauterine device during gynaecological examinations or procedures. During consultations or gynaecological care, it can be used to grip an aseptic dressing, tampon or compress to apply disinfectant and/or clean the cervix or work area.

Pozzi forceps PM-CARE® POZZI are used during gynaecological examinations or procedures.

The PM-CARE® HYSTEROMETRE hysterometer is used to assess uterine depth during gynaecological examinations, in particular for the insertion or removal of a contraceptive device.

The PM-CARE® SPECULUM speculum is used to explore, view, and examine the uterine cervix and vagina, and to access the cervical canal and uterine cavity when performing various examinations and surgical procedures. The Collin speculum enables larger devices to be inserted. The PM-CARE® SPECULUM is made from very high quality medical thermoplastic material.

Réservé aux professionnels de santé
Le site www.prince-medical.com permet aux professionnels de santé spécialisés dans les domaines de la Gastro-entérologie, Gynécologie, Procréation Médicalement Assistée de bénéficier d'informations utiles à leur pratique quotidienne.
Reserved for health professionals
The website www.prince-medical.com allows health professionals specialized in the sectors of Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Medically Assisted Reproduction to benefit from information useful to their daily practice.